Promised Land OZ is the leading rural development partner for Opportunity Zones located in American farming communities.
Developing Rural Communities.

Owen Peele, the current tenant for McCotter Farms PLOZ, shares about his involvement in Promised Land's staple investment farm.
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Featured Funds
Promised Land focuses in developing rural, agriculturally dependent communities to ignite economic growth and increase employment opportunities.

Fund I
Corn, Soybeans
Acres Developed/Impacted:
Fund Size:
$57 million
CapEx spend:
$9 million
Investment Materials
Download our Investment Overview and Fund II One Pager to learn more about our impact in rural farmland.
Promised Land Fund II Non-NDA Investment OverviewPromised Land Fund II One Pager OverviewAbout Promised Land
Opportunity Zone Fund

Unique opportunity to participate in a large-scale opportunity zone investment vehicle of US farmland.

Private investment fund focused on acquiring and improving
farmland in qualified opportunity zones ("QOZs") in the United
States, as designated under U.S. tax provisions enacted in 2017.
farmland in qualified opportunity zones ("QOZs") in the United
States, as designated under U.S. tax provisions enacted in 2017.

Actionable opportunity with an

Initial Portfolio composed primarily of fixed rate leases (~90%).

Expected initial property level NOI yield for 2022 of +3.7%.

Geographic focus in rural, agriculturally dependent communities
to spur economic revitalization and job creation.
to spur economic revitalization and job creation.
Latest Insights
What is a Qualified
Opportunity Zone?

What is a Qualified
Opportunity Zone?
QOZs are certain economically distressed communities in the United States where new investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment. The Fund was created to acquire, improve, and stimulate economic development of land located in QOZs.
Strategic Collaboration
Highly Experienced Farm Property Manager
Promised Land plans to employ a multi-manager approach by sourcing managers based on the location and crop expertise required for each farm property. We are committed to finding key partnerships that can help Promised Land achieve durability returns alongside our sustainable farming initiatives.
Expert Leadership
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